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Records Page’s mission was founded upon promoting transparency and safeguarding civil liberties. We treat these matters very seriously and ask for a fair chance to respond to inquiries and rectify any concerns.

Suppressing Information Found Through Third Party-Run Search Services on Records Page: Individuals may suppress information about themselves found through the third party search services on Records Page by contacting the third party directly or  contacting us to facilitate the request.

Data obtained by third party search services may also be deleted, corrected, obtained and opted out of through the same means.

For other third party search services that Records Page does not partner with, individuals must contact them directly.

Exercising Your Rights Under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) or General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): As outlined in our Privacy Policy, users may exercise their rights regarding how personal data is displayed, collected and distributed and may request access, erasure, restrictions,  opt out of data sharing and more.

To exercise rights seen in our Privacy Policy, please get a hold of us so we have the opportunity to address the matter promptly and satisfactorily.